After more than a year of development and testing, our very latest and best version of the Truckcom’s Driver App, is now rolling out. As with our current app, this will be available on both Android and iOS devices, meaning it can be used on any modern smartphone.
The new app provides all the same features your drivers are already familiar with from TruckcomMobile, but with a cleaner, faster interface. The first thing you’ll notice after logging into the app is the new jobs screen. From here you can now instantly see all of your job details at a glance. There’s no longer a need to click in and out of individual jobs and you can also switch between days from this same screen.

Following the theme of being able to see the information important to you with fewer clicks, you can now switch between key sections of the app (Jobs/Messages/Checks) via the bottom tab bar. This means you can now instantly switch between messaging the office and your job details – a common feature request for our old app. When returning to the previous tab the app will have remembered exactly where you left off. This is a big change for the app and a big part of what makes it so much easier and quicker to use.
The messaging feature within the New App has been completely redesigned in a way that will be instantly familiar to anyone who uses smartphone messaging. The full message thread is now displayed for any recent conversations on a single scrollable screen – there’s no longer a need to click through individual messages. Drivers will now also see a new message indicator icon in the bottom tab bar, so there can never be a reason for missing a message.

Vehicle checks are another vitally important area of the app which have been given a refresh. More types of check questions than ever can now be completed from the checks screen itself – even signature entry. This not only makes the process quicker but makes reviewing answers easier, reducing mistakes. As with the old app, vehicle check questions are fully customisable and we would encourage you to contact our Helpdesk if you would like changes.

We are now encouraging all our users to start to use the new Driver App. While in this initial release period we are keen to seek more feedback from real users so please share any thoughts or questions with our Helpdesk ( You may also notice there’s still a few things missing from the new app, such as translations and PIN logins. Those features will be coming soon and the app is rapidly progressing with every update. If there is something missing that you need, please do let us know.
It’s also important to note that the existing driver app will remain available to your users and continue to work. You’re not being forced into a change, however we really would encourage you to try the new app.
The Android app can be downloaded here:
The iOS app can be downloaded here: